Detailed Fraud Check
Method to ask for and receive a fraud check. This is the current method in use when a Kafka message is received.
Environment | BaseUrl | Deep Health Check |
Test | | Deep Health Check |
Dev | | Deep Health Check |
Stage | | Deep Health Check |
Prod | | Deep Health Check |
HttpMethod: POST URL: /service-client-request/Yleo.Fraud.Client.DetailedFraudCheck.DetailedFraudCheckRequest ContentType: JSON
Property | Type | Required | Details |
customerData.currencyCode | string | true | The alpha currency code. |
customerData.orderTotal | decimal | true | |
customerData.pointValue | decimal | false | |
customerData.alternateId | string | true | The order id. |
customerData.sessionId | string | true | The id to identify this fraud session. |
customerData.isReactivatingOrder | bool | true | |
customerData.walletId | guid | true | | | string | true | |
customerData.sourceId | int | true | SkavaWebsite = 71, SkavaSubscription = 72 |
customerData.shippingPhoneNumber | string | true | |
customerData.shippingMethodId | long | true | |
customerData.countryIsoCode2 | string | true | The 2 character alpha code. |
customerData.shippingAddress.shippingName | string | true | |
customerData.shippingAddress.street1 | string | true | |
customerData.shippingAddress.street2 | string | false | |
customerData.shippingAddress.state | string | true | Two character alpha code. |
customerData.shippingAddress.postalCode | string | true | | | string | true | |
customerData.shippingAddress.countryIsoCode2 | string | true | Two character alpha code. |
customerData.upline | string | false | |
itemData.[].name | string | true | |
itemData.[].itemId | long | true | |
itemData.[].partNumber | string | true | |
itemData.[].price | decimal | true | |
itemData.[].quantity | int | true |
"currencyCode": "",
"orderTotal": "",
"pointValue": "",
"alternateId": "",
"sessionId": "",
"isReactivatingOrder": "",
"walletId": "",
"email": "",
"sourceId": "",
"shippingPhoneNumber": "",
"shippingMethodId": "",
"countryIsoCode2": "",
"shippingName": "",
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
"state": "",
"postalCode": "",
"city": "",
"countryIsoCode2": "",
"Upline": "",
"itemData": [
"name": "",
"itemId": 456,
"partNumber": "1234",
"price": 0.00,
"quantity": 1,
Success Response
Property | Type | Details |
result | string | Approved, Declined, Escalate, Review, NotPerformed |
kountTransactionId | string |
"result": "Approved",
"kountTransactionId": "0"
Exception Response
Property | Type | Details |
condition | string | Transient, Permanent |
message | string |
"condition": "Transient",
"message": "Failed"